Kerewhenua Apartments
Naylor Love Auckland has completed a five level plus basementapartment building at Hobsonville Point, comprising 33one tothree bedroomapartments and basement car parking.
The basement structure is precast panel and flat slab to groundlevel. The basement slab and walls are fully tanked with SikaBentonite, providing a totally dry environment on a site withperceived groundwater issues.
The upper structure isgenerally steel frame supporting ComFlorslab, with precast panels as shear walls and lift shaft. Externaltimber framing supports a mixture of brickwork and aluminiumNu-Wall claddings. All internal walls were steel stud, withsuspended ceilings throughout.
There are some balconies within the basic structure, but most arecantilevered precast concrete. Balconies are generally protectedwith glass balustrades and all balconies and the podium werecovered with pavers supported on pedestals. The podium andground level apartments were provided with soft landscaping in amixture of blockwork and precastconcrete planter boxes.
NZ Commercial Project Awards 2019-Bronze, Residential